Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Dragon Ball Z is the long-running sequel to the anime Dragon Ball. The series is a close adaptation of the second (and far longer) portion of the Dragon Ball manga written and drawn byAkira Toriyama. In the United States, the manga's second portion is also titled Dragon Ball Z to prevent confusion
3 Series are there...


Emperor Pilaf Saga:

01. Secret of the Dragon Balls
Tournament Saga:

14. Goku's Rival
28. Crash! Force versus Force!

Red Ribbon Army Saga:

45. Danger in the Air

General Blue Saga:

57. Arale vs. Blue

Commander Red Saga:

Fortuneteller Baba Saga:

Tien Shinhan Saga:

101. A New Champion

King Piccolo Saga:


Saiyan Saga
Dbz - 001 - The Arrival of Radditz

Dbz - 005 - Gohan's Metamorphosis
Dbz - 006 - Gohan makes a Friend
Dbz - 007 - Trouble on Arlia
Dbz - 008 - Home for Infinite Losers
Dbz - 009 - Princess Snake's Hospitality
Dbz - 010 - Escape from Piccolo
Dbz - 011 - Showdown in the Past
Dbz - 012 - The End of Snake Way
Dbz - 013 - A Fight Against Gravity... Catch Bubbles!
Dbz - 014 - The Legend of the Saiyans
Dbz - 015 - A Black Day for the Planet Earth
Dbz - 016 - The Battle Begins... Goku where are you?
Dbz - 017 - The Siabamen Attack
Dbz - 018 - Nappa... The Invincible?
Dbz - 019 - Tien goes all out!
Dbz - 020 - Time's Up!
Dbz - 021 - The Return of Goku
Dbz - 022 - Goku Strikes Back!
Dbz - 023 - Goku vs. Vegeta... A Saiyan Duel
Dbz - 024 - Vegeta... Saiyan Style
Dbz - 025 - Stop Vegeta Now!!
Dbz - 026 - Battle's End
Namek Saga
Dbz - 027 - A New Goal Namek!
Dbz - 028 - Journey to Namek

Dbz - 029 - Friends or Foes?
Dbz - 030 - Hunt for a Dragon Ball
Dbz - 031 - Who's Who?
Dbz - 032 - Touchdown on Namek
Dbz - 033 - Face Off on Namek
Dbz - 034 - The Ruthless Frieza
Dbz - 035 - The Nameks vs. Frieza
Dbz - 036 - Escape from Dodoria
Dbz - 037 - Secrets Revealed
Dbz - 038 - A Collision Course
Dbz - 039 - Stay Away from Frieza
Dbz - 040 - Zarbon Transformed
Dbz - 041 - The Eldest Namek
Dbz - 042 - Get Vegeta!!
Dbz - 043 - Vegeta Revived
Dbz - 044 - A Heavy Burden
Dbz - 045 - Immortality Denied
Dbz - 046 - Big Trouble for Bulma
Dbz - 047 - Scramble for the Dragon Balls
Dbz - 048 - Arrival of The Ginyu Force
Dbz - 049 - Elite Fighters of The Universe... The Ginyu Force
Dbz - 050 - Time Tricks and Body Binds
Dbz - 051 - No Refuge from Recoome
Dbz - 052 - Enter Goku Dbz - 053 - Goku... SuperSaiyan?
Captain Ginyu Saga
Dbz - 054 - Ginyu Assualt
Dbz - 055 - Incredible Force!

Dbz - 056 - Frieza Approaches
Dbz - 057 - Goku is Ginyu & Ginyu is Goku
Dbz - 058 - Calling the Eternal Dragon
Dbz - 059 - Gohan defeat your Dad!!
Dbz - 060 - Captin Ginyu the Frog?
Frieza Saga
Dbz - 061 - Password is Porunga
Dbz - 062 - Piccolo's Return

Dbz - 063 - The Fusion
Dbz - 064 - Fighting Power: One Million??
Dbz - 065 - Gohan Attacks
Dbz - 066 - Deja vu
Dbz - 067 - Frieza's Second Transformation
Dbz - 068 - Another Transformation?
Dbz - 069 - Dende's Demise
Dbz - 070 - The Renewed Goku
Dbz - 071 - The End of Vegeta
Dbz - 072 - The Ultimate Battle
Dbz - 073 - Clash of the Super Powers
Dbz - 074 - Frieza's Boast
Dbz - 075 - Bold and Fearless
Dbz - 076 - Embodiment of Fire
Dbz - 077 - Trump Card
Dbz - 078 - Keep the Chance Alive
Dbz - 079 - Power of the Spirit
Dbz - 080 - Transformed at Last
Dbz - 081 - Explosion of Anger
Dbz - 082 - Namek's Destruction
Dbz - 083 - A final Attack
Dbz - 084 - Approaching Destruction
Dbz - 085 - Gohan Returns
Dbz - 086 - The Last Wish
Dbz - 087 - Dual on a Vanishing Planet
Dbz - 088 - Pathos of Frieza
Dbz - 089 - Frieza Defeated!!
Dbz - 090 - Mighty Blast of Rage
Dbz - 091 - Namek's Explosion: Goku's End?
Dbz - 092 - Goku's Alive!!
Garlic Jr Saga
Dbz - 093 - The Heavens
Dbz - 094 - Black Fog of Terror

Dbz - 095 - Battle in Kami's Lookout
Dbz - 096 - Fight with Piccolo
Dbz - 097 - Call for Restoration
Dbz - 098 - Suidical Course
Dbz - 099 - Extreme Measures
Dbz - 100 - The World Awakens
Dbz - 101 - Brief Chance for Victory
Dbz - 102 - Krillin's Proposal
Trunks Saga
Dbz - 103 - Frieza's Counterattack
Dbz - 104 - The Mysterious Youth

Dbz - 105 - Another Super Saiyan
Dbz - 106 - Welcome Back Goku
Dbz - 107 - Mystery Revealed
Dbz - 108 - Goku's Special Technique
Dbz - 109 - Z Warriors Prepare
Dbz - 110 - Goku's Ordeal
Android Saga
Dbz - 111 - The Androids Appear
Dbz - 112 - A Handy Trick

Dbz - 113 - Double Trouble for Goku
Dbz - 114 - Upgrade to Super Saiyan
Dbz - 115 - The Secret of Dr. Gero
Dbz - 116 - More Androids?!
Dbz - 117 - Follow Dr. Gero
Dbz - 118 - Nightmare Comes True
Dbz - 119 - Goku’s Assassin
Dbz - 120 - Deadly Beauty
Dbz - 121 - No Match for The Androids
Dbz - 122 - Last Ditch Effort
Dbz - 123 - Closing In
Dbz - 124 - Unwelcomed Discovery
Imperfect Cell Saga
Dbz - 125 - Seized with Fear
Dbz - 126 - The Reunion

Dbz - 127 - Borrowed Powers
Dbz - 128 - His Name is Cell
Dbz - 129 - Piccolo's Folly
Dbz - 130 - Laboratory Basement
Dbz - 131 - Our Hero Awakens
Dbz - 132 - Time Chamber
Dbz - 133 - The Monster is Coming
Dbz - 134 - He's Here
Dbz - 135 - Up to Piccolo
Dbz - 136 - Silent Warrior
Dbz - 137 - Say Goodbye, 17
Perfect Cell Saga
Dbz - 138 - Sacrifice
Dbz - 139 - Saiyans Emerge

Dbz - 140 - Super Vegeta
Dbz - 141 - Bow To The Prince
Dbz - 142 - Hour of Temptation
Dbz - 143 - Krillin's Decision
Dbz - 144 - Last Defense
Dbz - 145 - Cell is Complete
Dbz - 146 - Vegeta Must Pay
Dbz - 147 - Trunks Ascends
Dbz - 148 - Saving Throw
Dbz - 149 - Ghosts From Tomorrow
Dbz - 150 - The Cell Games
Cell Games Saga
Dbz - 151 - What Is The Tournament?
Dbz - 152 - The Doomsday Broadcast

Dbz - 153 - Meet Me In The Ring
Dbz - 154 - No Worries Here
Dbz - 155 - A Girl Named Lime
Dbz - 156 - Memories Of Gohan
Dbz - 157 - A New Guardian
Dbz - 158 - Dende's Dragon
Dbz - 159 - The Puzzle Of General Tao
Dbz - 160 - The Games Begin
Dbz - 161 - Losers Fight First
Dbz - 162 - Goku vs. Cell
Dbz - 163 - Cell's Bag Of Tricks
Dbz - 164 - No More Rules
Dbz - 165 - The Fight Is Over
Dbz - 166 - Faith In A Boy
Dbz - 167 - Gohan's Desperate Plea
Dbz - 168 - Android Explosion
Dbz - 169 - Children Of Cell Attack
Dbz - 170 - The Unleashing Dbz - 171 - The Unstoppable Gohan
Dbz - 172 - Cell's Mighty Break Down
Dbz - 173 - A Hero's Farewell
Dbz - 174 - Cell Returns!
Dbz - 175 - The Horror Won't End
Dbz - 176 - Save The World
Dbz - 177 - Goku's Noble Decision
Dbz - 178 - One More Wish
Dbz - 179 - Free The Future
Great Saiyaman Saga
Dbz - 180 - Warriors of the dead
Dbz - 181 - Tournament begins!

Dbz - 182 - Water Fight!
Dbz - 183 - Final Round
Dbz - 184 - Goku V.S. Pikkon
Dbz - 185 - Gohan goes to High School
Dbz - 186 - I am Saiyaman!
Dbz - 187 - Gohan's First Date
Dbz - 188 - Rescue Videl
Dbz - 189 - Blackmail
Dbz - 190 - I'll fight too
Dbz - 191 - The newest Super Saiyan
Dbz - 192 - Take flight Videl
Dbz - 193 - Gather For The Tournament
World Tournament Saga
Dbz - 194 - Camera Shy
Dbz - 195 - The World Tournament

Dbz - 196 - Trunks VS Goten
Dbz - 197 - Best Of The Boys Dbz - 198 - Big Trouble, Little Trunks
Dbz - 199 - Who Will Fight Who Dbz - 200 - Forfeit Of Piccolo
Dbz - 201 - A Dark And Secret Power
Dbz - 202 - Videl Is Crushed
Dbz - 203 - Identities Revealed
Dbz - 204 - Energy Drain
Babidi Saga
Dbz - 205 - The Wizard's Curse
Dbz - 206 - King Of The Demons

Dbz - 207 - Vegeta Attacks
Dbz - 208 - Next Up, Goku
Dbz - 209 - Battle Supreme
Dbz - 210 - Eighteen Unmasks
Dbz - 211 - Pay To Win
Dbz - 212 - Heart Of A Villain
Dbz - 213 - The Dark Prince Returns
Dbz - 214 - Vegeta's Pride
Dbz - 215 - The Long Awaited Fight
Dbz - 216 - Magic Ball Of Buu
Majin Buu Saga
Dbz - 221 - The Warrior's Decision
Dbz - 224 - Find The Dragonballs
Dbz - 225 - Revival
Dbz - 226 - Global Announcement
Dbz - 227 - Learn To Fuse
Dbz - 228 - The Z Sword
Dbz - 229 - Race To Capsule Corp
Dbz - 231 - Buu's Mutiny
Dbz - 232 - The Fusion Dance
Dbz - 238 - I Kill No More

Fusion Saga

Dbz - 244 - Trapped in ForeverDbz - 245 - Feeding Frenzy Dbz - 246 - Gotenks is Awesome Dbz - 247 - Unlucky BreakDbz - 248 - A Whole New Gohan
Dbz - 249 - Search for Survivors
Dbz - 256 - Vegito? Downsized
Dbz - 257 - The Incredible Fighting Candy
Dbz - 258 - The Innards of BuuDbz - 259 - Mind Trap
Dbz - 260 - Visions of Deadly

Kid Buu Saga

Dbz - 268 - Earth Reborn
Dbz - 269 - Call to Action
Dbz - 270 - People of Earth Unite
Dbz - 271 - Spirit Bomb Triumphant
Dbz - 272 - Celebrations with Majin Buu
Dbz - 273 - He's Always Late
Dbz - 274 - Granddaughter Pan
Dbz - 275 - Buu's Reincarnation
Dbz - 276 - Goku's Next Journey


Baby Saga
Super 17 Saga
Shadow Dragon Saga
Hope You Enjoy the Episodes


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